Monday, November 12, 2012

Trick or Treating

Halloween was on a Wednesday this year which made it at little more challenging for Trick or Treating.  We had a quick dinner at Nana's house and then Mario, Lighten McQueen, Army Man, and the Fire Fighter were on their way.     

The boys had a great time, got a lot of cany and listened well.   

Nana was happy to be able to share in their excitement

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween 2012

Ryan was invited to a Halloween party and as you can see was very proud to be dressed as the army man from Toy Story

Connor had a party at preschool and dressed up as Lighten McQueen.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Happy 8th birthday Matthew!

We had a wonderful day celebrating Matthew's 8th birthday.     The family including Hannah, Uncle Bis, Auntie Julie, Jacob, and Papa came to cheer Matthew on.    Matthew was very proud to have his family there to support him.   He even brought home made cookies (by Nana) to shart with his team!

Nana made an amazing brownie cake and 6 little soccer ball likes for the young ones to enjoy!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Starting the celebrating early.......

Cupcakes to share with all of his new friends in 2nd grade!

Matthew with Barber Greg in front of the barber shop window

Monday, October 8, 2012


Pumpkin picking with a beautiful moutain view!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Soccer, Soccer, and more soccer

Matthew participated in the British Soccer Camp again this summer.    His team name was Madagascar.   For the last day of camp, World Cup Day, Matthew and I made a big flag to support his team.  

Matthew had again enjoyed playing soccer with the Wilbraham Soccer Club.  

Ryan started soccer this fall with Park and Rec and has been having a great time belonging to a team

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Connor starts preschool!

Connor started preschool Tuesday and Thursday mornings at Minnechaug High School.   His teachers are Mrs J and high school student, Aly. 

He is SO excited to be FINALLY going to school like his brothers!

Showing off his Angry Bird backpack......

We are so proud of you Connor!   You are growing up to fast!