Friday, April 30, 2010

Papa's Visit- April 21st

Papa came to visit! We played outside and enjoyed pizza for dinner. When it was time for bed, Papa helped tuck us into bed and told us a Figgero story (Mommy use to hear them at bedtime when she was little). We can't wait to see you again Papa!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Magic Wings with Nana

This week was school spring break so Nana and Matthew did not have school. We decided to take a drive up to Magic Wings and look at the butterflies. We had only been there once before when Matthew was 2 1/2 and Ryan was just about 2 months old. At that time, Matthew was very nervous and would scream and cry every time a butterfly flew anywhere near him. So, needless to say I was crossing my fingers for a more successful trip this time. All three boys were great in the car and were eager to set inside and see the butterflies! The temperature is probably about 90 degrees and humid, which was it difficult for Nana and me as we chased the boys around!

Besides butterflies, they had birds, snakes, and lizards. Matthew and Ryan were also able to pet one of the bearded dragons that are pictured above!

Here the boys and I are enjoying all the butterflies flying around us. Both Matthew and Ryan were lucky enough to have a butterfly land on them!

The boys needed a little break so, Nana treated them to some vanilla ice cream with chocolate sprinkles (at 10:15 in the morning!). Nana and Connor are sitting in the butterfly chair while Matthew and Ryan finished their ice cream. What a special day!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Matthew's 1st Tee Ball Practice

Matthew started t-ball practice this past week. Practice is from 4:30pm to 5:30pm every Tuesday with weekend games starting in May. Matthew has been eager to start sports, but related to his fall birthday, it has been difficult to find a sport league that he is old enough to get involved in. Matthew is the youngest on his t-ball team, as most of the other boys where born in 2003. We bought him a baseball cap and his first baseball glove.

During practice Matthew did a great job listening to his coaches and peers. During dinner that night, Matthew told Ryan and I that he hit the ball all three times and once he hit is all the way across the street (well the part of hitting that ball that far was his imagination)

Matthew also practicing being out in the field and catching the ball. He still needs some practice with catching the ball, but his stance sure natural in this picture. Matthew is very proud that he now belongs to "a team."

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Coloring Eggs

Connor enjoying some chocolate first thing in the morning!

Easter egg hunt at Auntie Chickie and Uncle Johns

My three beautiful sons

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Baby #4: It's a BOY!

We had an ultrasound on April 1st- exactly 16 weeks. I thought that maybe it would be a little early to tell the gender of the baby, but sure enough this little one was not shy at all.
So, I am starting to prepare myself for motherhood with 4 boys. Wow, all boys. As the boys get a little bigger, I am definitely going to need to head out to Boston to spend quality girl time with Julie and Hannah!