Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

I find that Halloween gets more exciting every year now that Matthew and Ryan understand it more.   Mile Tree school had a costume parade the Friday before Halloween.    This year Matthew decided that he wanted to be a zombie this year, but since you were not allowed to wear masks or face paint for the school parade, he borrowed Connor's fire fighter costume.   

We had a great time carving pumpkins and toasting pumpkin seeds!

Sean with a smile on his first Halloween

Happy Halloween from fire fighter Connor, our little pumpkin Sean, vampire Ryan, and zombie MatthewPosted by Picasa

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Smiles by Baby Sean!

Sean stated smiling around 6 weeks old. He has a little dimple on right cheek, that is so cute!
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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sunday afternoon crafts

Matthew and Ryan are having a great time expressing their artistic ability painting foam airplanes that Matthew got for his birthday
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Friday, October 15, 2010

Sean 5 weeks old

Sean went for his 1 month check up on October 14th.....
Here are his stats:

Height: 21 inches    10th percentile
weight: 9lbs 6ozs    10th to 25th percentile
Head Circumference: 36cm           5th percentile

This being said he gained over 3 pounds in 5 weeks!
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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Matthew's 6th birthday!

The weekend before Matthew's birthday, we invited some of his friends to celebrate with us at a bowling alley.  This was both Matthew and Ryan's first time bowling and they had a wonderful time!   Matthew was very impressed that as a gift, the bowling alley gave him a bowling pin.   Unfortunately, we had difficulties with our camera and lost all of the bowling party pictures.  However, we had a family party on the 14th and Papa fly in from Chicago to attend.     Here Matthew and Ryan are looking at some of the present matthew recieved.   He was excited about getting a solar system kit for his room.   He also received a remote control race car from Grandma Tillberry.

Matthew was very kind and even let Rayn left his blow out the candles on his birthday cake!

Since Matthew was turning 6, we thought that he was old enough to get his first pet...hermit crabs.   Matthew has been very responsible in making sure that they get daily exercise (walking around out kitchen floor), and clean food and water.   
Matthew was also excited that he got to bring cupcakes with chocolate frosting with sprinkles to kindergarten.    Matthew told me that his friends said they were the best cupcakes that they have ever had... pretty impressive since I made them!
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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pumpkin picking with cousin Hannah

We had a wonderful time pumpkin picking with Nana and Hannah at Randall Farms.    Unfortunaly we lost all the pictures we took related to camera problems.   All the kids had a great time running around, playing in the hay, and climbing on the pumpkin playground.   We had fun riding the hayride out to the patch to find our pumpkins.   To end the perfect trip, Nana bought us fresh out to the oven, apple cider donuts!  

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fire Safey Day

Aaron worked with the Ludlow Fire Department related to a project for Liberty Mutual.   The boys had a great time visiting Daddy working with the fire fighters and seeing a fire truck up close!Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 1, 2010

Kids say the funniest things....

One afternoon, I was sitting on the couch and Matthew was using the binoculars looking around the family room,   This is how our conversation went....
M: (looking at me through the wrong end of the binoculars) Wow, Mom you look huge!
Me: (with a shocked look on my face) Matthew that is not very nice to say.
M: Oh, well you look as tiny as a button.

Ryan decided that he wanted to be a fire fighter for Halloween.   During one of her visits, GG was asking Ryan about Halloween and dressing up as a fire fighter.
Ryan responded, "I don't want to be a fire fighter, that is too dangerous!"

Connors vocabulary seems to be growing each week.   He especially likes to talk about food!    His favorite foods at this time are pizza, hot dog (which he sings hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog) and doon doon (donuts)