Saturday, December 25, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Notice through the front window there is no snow outside.   That's right!   As of today, we have only had a dusting of snow.     Today is cool,  in the low 40's and sunny.   I will admit that I would have enjoyed seeing at least a little snow!

Here Matthew and Ryan are stringing cranberries.   We decided that we could hang them out on the front tree and wish the birds and other animals a Merry Christmas.    While the boys were hard at work, I was getting ready for family to come over tomorrow for Christmas at our house!

We went to Nana's house for dinner and exchanged Christmas presents.   Nana over did herself as usually and the boys received some fun and amazing gifts!    Connor got a fold up play mat; Ryan a guitar, and Matthew a telescope.    The food was great as usual.    The boys had a great time playing with there new toys before we headed home to get ready for Santa!

Sean happy as a little calm on his 1st Christmas Eve

Oh what a beautiful site.....Matthew giving Nana a thank you hug!

Once we got home, we put out the reindeer food that Ryan made in preschool (oats with glitter), carrots, milk, and cookies.    Off to bed we went to ensure we were asleep before Santa's arrival.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Clean Room

Today I asked Matthew if he had cleaned his room.
His response was "Yup!  My room is a clean is a new shoe!"
Gosh, I love this kid!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Connor turns 2!

I decided to try to make it a tradition and take a picture of Connor the night before his birthday sitting in front of the Christmas tree (since I did it last year).
Connor requested dondons (donuts) for this birthday breakfast.   So, by 7am, Connor and I drove down to Dunkin Donuts to get Boston Cream filled donuts and coffee for Mommy and Daddy.  

A few days after his birthday we had his party.    It was only suiting that his birthday cake was a donut.    It was a busy, fun afternoon, and I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked.   Connor love his cake and especially being sung to!

Connor also went for his 2 year check up.   His stats are:

Height:: 35 1/2 inches (50-75%)
Weight: 28lbs 5ozs (50%)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sean 3 months old

 Sean is pushing up with his arms when he is on his tummy, rolling over (tummy to back), sleeping through the night, and is full of smiles!