Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Matthew's first visit from the Tooth Fairy

Matthew had a wiggly tooth for over a month before it finally fell out!   He came home from school a few days before Christmas vacation stating that his tooth hurt.   After several attempts he finally let me look at it and I was able to tell that it was slightly loose.    I began to jump up and down with excitement, but then became teary-eyed thinking about how quickly he is growing up!    Matthew called Nana to tell her the exciting news and she began working on his tooth fairy pillow.   Little did I know how long it would take to fall out.  
Today was a snow day and I convinced Matthew to lay on the floor and let me pull it out and he could have a cookie.    What a deal!   At bedtime, Matthew put his tooth in his tooth fairy pillow and decided to put it on the edge of his desk in his room, rather than under his pillow.   He stated that it made him a little nervous to think about the fairy reaching until his pillow while he was sleeping and he was concerned that she may bump and hurt her wings while walking in his dark room.     The next morning he woke up to find a dollar bill in place on the tooth!
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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sean 4 months old

Sean is quite the baby little boy!    He loves to watch his older brothers play and coos and giggles at them.    He had his 4 month check and his stats are:

Height: 24 1/4 inches (25%)
Weight: 12lbs 12ozs (10-25%)
Head Circumference 40cm (5-10%)  small head, just like the rest of the Tillberry boys!

We were told that he could start cereal this weekend.   I remember all the other boys started cereral at 4 months and I was always so exctied, but when I look at Sean I feel that he is just too little.     I think I am already trying to keep him a little baby forever!

Sean's first taste of oatmeal

Matthew has really shown excitement at milestones that Sean is reaching.    He has been keeping track of how many months old Sean is and his new developmental abilities.      
Matthew was so excited for Sean to start eating solids. 
Sean really appeared to enjoy the oatmeal and as you can see in the picture is eagerly awaiting his next spoonful!Posted by Picasa