Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas and colds

This Christmas season has been exciting as Matthew truly has the holiday spirit. One afternoon the boys heard a noise at the fireplace and when we went over the look, we found a letter from Santa telling all three boys that they had been good this year. Matthew couldn't believe that one of the elves could have climbed up on our roof so quietly and dropped the note down our chimney. There have been other times, where Matthew has shouted, "Look, an elf just ran past our window. They must be checking on us to tell Santa if we are being good."
Matthew and Ryan both went to see Santa this year. Matthew asked Santa for a race track and Ryan a train set. On Christmas eve, we left carrots outside for the reindeer and milk and cookies for Santa. A true Christmas blessing, was all three boys slept in on Christmas until 7am! The boys were so eager to play with each item upon unwrapping that it took us over an hour to open everything! After quiet time, we went over the Nana's to see the rest of the family.
The day after Christmas both Ryan and Connor developed colds. This is the first time that Connor has ever been sick, and it has hit him hard. He and I slept last night sitting up on the couch. My poor baby, he looks at me with these watery, puppy dog eyes and I can only imagine he is thinking "What have you done to me!"

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

First big snow fall

While Daddy was at a 2 week training in Florida, we got out first big snow fall for the year (at least 6 inches). Mommy was proud of herself that the was able to refuel the snow blower and get it started! While Connor was taking his afternoon nap, Matthew and Ryan got to play out in the snow. Matthew had a great time making snow angels. Since Ryan was only a year and a half last winter, this was his first experience really playing out in the snow. This picture is showing his puzzled look as the snow is getting stuck to his mittens!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

The binky fairy

We have been talking to Ryan about giving up his pacifier for the past few weeks. I explained that the binky fairy comes at night and gets pacifiers from little boys and girls and then brings them to new babies in the hospital. Well, the binky fairy came a few nights ago. Ryan has been doing pretty well, but at times he does ask where his binky is. Matthew is quick to chime in and say to Ryan, "the binky fairy came and took your binky away forever, you are never going to see it again," I reminded Matthew that this is hard for Ryan and that he need to be supportive and positive for him. Mathew then told Ryan "I bet if you pray really hard to the fairy, she will bring you a brand new binky." The power of prayer!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Connor's 1st Birthday Party

Since Connor is our "Christmas Baby" Nana made him a Christmas tree cake. Matthew and Ryan blew out the candles for Connor, but Connor did not need any help at all eating the package with his name on it.

Here is Connor starting to eat his cake. Believe it or not, he ate every bite, and appeared puzzled why everyone was laughing at him. Papa enjoyed watching Connor use both handsto eat the cake!

Auntie Chickie and Uncle John gave Connor this toy car for his birthday. The boys all took turns, even cousin Hannah got involved in the action

After Connor got a bath (because he was covered in pink frosting) we continued to open presents. Matthew and Ryan, had fun helping Connor with the wrapping paper.

The hunt for the "perfect" Christmas tree

In an effort to establish more family traditions, we found a local Christmas tree farm, about a mile down the road from our house. The boys were very excited and eager to get on their hats and boots. We did not have any snow on the ground yet, but the ground was muddy from all the rain.

Mommy and Connor enjoyed walking around and looking at all the trees. Matthew and Ryan had different plans and played hide and seek.

We finally all the agreed on the "perfect" tree and the men of the house went to work cutting down the tree. Poor Connor's hat fell over his face!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

On the eve of my baby's first birthday!

Dear Connor,

I can't believe that tomorrow you are going to be one year old! Where has this year gone? I can still feel the warmth of your small body when they placed you in my arms on the day you were born. At 5lbs 8oz, you were the tinest baby that I had ever seen with my own eyes, I was so scared. But, Connor you proved yourself to be a fighter and look at you now.... a chubby, happy little boy!
I love you so much. Connor you an amazing little boy!
Happy Birthday my little prince

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Thanksgiving morning began with everyone sleeping in until 7am (which was quite a treat). We all have had colds this week, and maybe the cold medicine I gave the boys to help with their running noses and low grade fevers helped them sleep! We spent the morning watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and making a fort with chairs and blankets in the family room.

After quiet time, we got dressed up and headed over the Nana's house to play with the cousins and have Thanksgiving dinner. Connor's eyes got big when he saw the big turkey sitting on the stove waiting to be carved and throughly enjoyed all the fixings! Matthew, Ryan, and Connor had a great time playing with their cousin Hannah. Connor showed all his new walking skills

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Exciting new things are happening

Exciting things are happening in the Tillberry household. Connor at 11 months is now walking around and creating more of a mess than I ever thought possible. Being the mother of 3 little boys is an amazing experience, but has shown me how truly little I know about the male species. Matthew and Ryan are always jumping on each other, pushing, hitting, yet at the same time laughing, and having a wonderful time. I guess boys will be boys!

Aaron has been enjoying his new job, and we have a bright future ahead of us! We survived daddy being gone for 2 weeks in November. While he was gone, the boys and I worked outside preparing for winter. Matthew and Ryan had a wonderful time jumping in the big piles of leaves!

As soon as Ryan hears Connor babbling in his crib, when he has woken up from a nap, he runs into his room and climbs in the crib with him. The two of them are too cute, sitting in the crib sucking on their pacifiers.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Time flies, the boys are getting big

So, I have decieded that since I have not been doing a good job with baby books (as Connor who is 11 months old, doesn't even have one). I need to update the blog so that I can document memories as the boys grow up. Matthew started his second year of preschool at the beginning September and he celebrated his 5th birthday by having some of his friends from preschool over for a dinosaur party! Where has the time gone? I feel that I spend some much time worrying about whether I am a good mom or not and the guilt of being a working mom that I am missing precious moments of the boys growing up. Cheers to trying to relax more and enjoying one day at a time. My goal will be to blog at least once a month and then as need exciting things occur. I am proud to say that Ryan is potty trained and wearing underwear. Connor is 11 months old today. He has four teeth on the top and is working on the 3rd bottom tooth. He is like a little puppy and follows whoever has food around the house. Not only is is crawling all over the place, but he is standing on his own for a few seconds and furniture walking.
Aaron has been gone for a week and a half in Arizona for a training. So I have been single mom. Not as easy job. The boys has been doing well, but we are all definitely ready for daddy to come home. 3 more days!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Big Brothers

It has been fun to watch Matty and Ryan become big brothers. For Matthew although it is not the first time he has become a big brother, this time around has been much more successful to say the least. He is very protective of Connor and extremely proud whenever he gets to show him off. Ryan is just the funniest little guy, he has adapted to big brotherhood like Connor was his long lost friend, and is so curious about all the little noises he makes, and loves to shower him with endless drooly kisses on Ryan is capable of giving. The other night while Connor was going to sleep and we had Ryan in bed with us. Ryan was being noisy so Laur told him to shh with her finger, he then proceeded to get in both our faces and constantly shh us with his finger, it was so funny. The last picture is Matty and Ryan trying out the new bunk beds Nana and GG got for the boys. It is hard to believe but Ryan is fast approaching his move to a big boy bed, especially with Connor soon to move into Ryan's crib (at least we hope). Our new challenge with this is to keep Ryan from scaling the ladder to the top bunk. Wish us luck!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Season 2008

Christmas day grows increasingly exciting with every year that passes. This year Matty is 4 and was totally pumped for Santa to come. I think much of that enthusiasm came from watching "The Polar Express", and "Grinchy Clause" (How the Grinch Stole Christmas) about a million times. On Christmas eve Nana, auntie Julie, uncle Bis, and cousin Hannah came to our house for dinner. It was a very nice family evening, especially with so many new additions to our family this year. Christmas morning started VERY early with Matty waking me up around 5am to tell me he just heard the Reindeer on the roof and that it was time to go see his presents. I tried to persuade him that Santa wanted us to sleep a little longer, but he wasn't convinced. Santa was very good to the boys so there were many things to open. Luckily we had Matty who is a pro at opening his presents and assisting with everyone Else's. So far I would say Matty's favorite gift was the DVD "Wall E" we watch it on a daily basis, while Ryan seems to love his Lion King toothbrush the most. We spent Christmas day with Laurie's family where Matty and Ry collected even more presents to play with. Overall our first Christmas as a family of five was a great one. It is an exciting and scary thought to think next Christmas there will be three monsters running around the house, and four when cousin Hannah comes to play.