Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Season 2008

Christmas day grows increasingly exciting with every year that passes. This year Matty is 4 and was totally pumped for Santa to come. I think much of that enthusiasm came from watching "The Polar Express", and "Grinchy Clause" (How the Grinch Stole Christmas) about a million times. On Christmas eve Nana, auntie Julie, uncle Bis, and cousin Hannah came to our house for dinner. It was a very nice family evening, especially with so many new additions to our family this year. Christmas morning started VERY early with Matty waking me up around 5am to tell me he just heard the Reindeer on the roof and that it was time to go see his presents. I tried to persuade him that Santa wanted us to sleep a little longer, but he wasn't convinced. Santa was very good to the boys so there were many things to open. Luckily we had Matty who is a pro at opening his presents and assisting with everyone Else's. So far I would say Matty's favorite gift was the DVD "Wall E" we watch it on a daily basis, while Ryan seems to love his Lion King toothbrush the most. We spent Christmas day with Laurie's family where Matty and Ry collected even more presents to play with. Overall our first Christmas as a family of five was a great one. It is an exciting and scary thought to think next Christmas there will be three monsters running around the house, and four when cousin Hannah comes to play.

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