Sunday, February 14, 2010

Preparing for Valentines Day

Matthew has 11 other children in his preschool class this year. Their Valentine's day party was on Thursday afternoon. In preparation, Matthew had several sessions of writing his names on his Valentine's for his friends. Matthew's Valentines' had lollipops attached to them. Here is Connor enjoying his first lollipop. After each lick he would take it out of his mouth and say, "Yum"

Matthew and Ryan also enjoyed a few lollipops themselves

These past few weeks, Matthew has become a little more defiant with me. I seem to be pushing his buttons more and more and he is quick to loose his temper. A few times, I have picked him up from preschool and as soon as he walks out of the door with his teacher and sees me, he hangs his head down and says, "I didn't want you to pick me up Mom, I want Daddy or Nana."
So, needless to say, I was super excited to see the Valentine that Matthew made for me at school. He gave me a big hug and stated, "You are my Valentine forever." When Aaron questioned Matthew about where his Valentine was, Matthew replied, "I will make one for you next year!"

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