Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Hike

Well, I must admit this was not one of my most greatest ideas, but I thought that it would be fun to go on a hike at Babbling Brook (a nature preserve in Hampden).   We weren't really prepared..... it was a hot, humid, and buggy day.    We found maps and the Matthew and Ryan thought they were doing a great job reading them   Connor was more excited about the water.   
Yes, there were many hills on your hike and there were several times that I thought one of the boys were going to fall down.  Baby Sean was in the snugglie on my chest.  The paths were not always clearly mark and at one point we even got lost!    It definitely was great exercise and memories were created.     BUT, I don't think that we will be going back anytime soon!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sprinkler Fun

Connor doesn't like the sprinkler water......he states that "It is too cold!"

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Field Day at Mile Tree school

Connor, Sean and I went to watch field day.   Aaron volunteered to help, which Matthew thought was very exciting.    It was a warm, hot, and sunny day!   Matthew's class moved from circuit to circuit and must have been outside for 2 hours.

Ryan's class came out a little later as they first attended an assembly about bubbles.    Here Ryan is with his friend Brian using "big hands" to pick up balls and them puts them in the basket.   Ryan had a wonderful time.   He even got a Popsicle!

The picture above is the course that Aaron was helping with.   Matthew is the one running in the striped shirt on the left.    I was so happy that Aaron and I were both able to attend this speical event!


Matthew had another great t-ball season.   Aaron helped out again with coaching this year.
Running the bases!

Getting some words of wisdom from Dad

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Matthew lost his 3rd tooth!

If feels like for the past month or so Matthew has been talking about one of his top teeth being loose.   We have been wiggling it, eating hard food such as toast and apples, but it just didn't seem to be ready to fall out.
Finally Matthew came home from school today, with a missing tooth!  Thanks to the school nurse for
her assistance!    Matthew now proudly announces that he has a letter "L" in him mouth (shape of 3 missing teeth).   Matthew you are one handsome 6 year old!    Mommy and Daddy love you so much!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Fishing Derby

Aaron and the boys decided to try out a fishing derby in Brimfield.  Matthew and Ryan both had a great time.  They caught a 1 Trout and & 7 Blue Gill.   They threw all of them back in the water execept for 1 Trout that they brought home and cooked on the grill!     Surprisingly both Mattew and Ryan enjoyed the cooked Trout!

It had rained the day before so I packed a blanket for the boys to boys to sit on.    Although, as you can see in the picture, they thought that was a little too dirty, so they sat on the edge of a fire pit.  I packed them a little picnic, but they saw hot dogs for sale to the decided that they wanted to try those too.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sean 8 months old

Wow, 8 months old!    Lets see.......Sean has perfected his army crawl and is getting close to crawling on his hands and knees (he gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth).     He is starting to be able to fill out 6 month clothes, but is still able to comfortably wear 3-6 month clothes.    Sean has been taking naps and sleeping more at night in his own crib, but several nights a week he still sleeps in bed with mom and dad.  He still wakes up about once a night to nurse, but I think that it is more for comfort than real hunger.  
We have started to feed him more table food, which is greatly enjoying!    He hold his own sippy cup and gives a smile showing how proud he is of himself!  Sean has learned how to make a clicking sounds with his tongue and does in response to someone or on his own.   He still has no teeth and we have started to call him "Gumpy".    Sean loves to take bathes as you can see in the picture above.    A few days ago we were playing outside and his legs were in the sun for about 15 minutes..... notice the burn on his right shin.