Monday, May 17, 2010


Even through there is a school playground less than a half a mile away,with baby #4 on the way, there was no way, I was going to get all 3 kids down to play in the summer heat. So, we began researching playscapes. After much debate, we purchased one from Costco. Daddy and his friends put it together in 1 day. The boys had a great time watching and assisting.
The boys favorite part is the swings. Connor sits there for quite some time, laughing and saying "weeeee." I loves the swings as well, because it keep Connor and Ryan safe and buckled up!!!!

The boys also enjoy climbing up the rock climb. They like to put on their bike helmets and pretend that they are climbing up a big mountain! The slide is super fast, and if you don't have your feet down to catch yourself, you end up landing on your rear end. To the right of the slide is a ladder to also get up to the fort. Connor climbs up the ladder and then slides down the slide like a big boy. Hard to believe all that he is doing at 18 months old!
I am so happy that we made this investment, with 4 boys and all!

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