Sunday, May 30, 2010

Trip to the zoo

This was our 3rd annual Memorial weekend trip to the Southwick Zoo, in Mendon, MA. Although, we knew that this year was going to be a little more interesting, as we now have 3 walkers!! We ate lunch at home and then left for the zoo, so that Connor would be able to take his nap during the ride there. What I didn't think about was that after sitting in the car for over an hour, none of the kids would be interested in riding in a stroller. We did bring the double stroller and poor Connor, despite his protests, saw most of the zoo stroller level

Connor did enjoy getting out and walking around the petting zoo. Here we are saying hello to the baby goats. Connor was really enjoying himself and kept saying, "Puppy, puppy!"

Aaron, Matthew, and Ryan purchased some food and fed the animals!

The elephant waving the American flag to the music of "I Am Proud to be an American".

My little flirt!

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