Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ryan's bug bite

This past week, we were playing outside and I noticed that Ryan's right eyebrow was slightly swollen and what looked like to be a scratch. I asked him if it hurt and what he bumped his head on. He denied pain and stated that he did not know what happened. The evening continued with dinner and bathes, and I didn't think about his boo-boo anymore.
The next morning, Ryan woke up with right eye completely swollen shut. He kept saying "I can't open my eye." I called the pediatrician and spoke to the nurse who recommended that we try benadryl, because this should help if he was a bug bite. The nurse also requested that he give her a call back in a few hours with an update. 3 hours after the benadryl, Ryan's eye looked even worse and he was beginning to get fussy and rub his eye. I called the nurse back and she stated that it could be an infection and scheduled an appointment for Ryan to come in later in the afternoon. The dr. confirmed that his was some type of bug bite, and that the swelling should come down in the next day or so. He also gave us an antibiotic to give to Ryan to prevent an infection. Poor Ryan had a difficult time completing even the simplest of tasks, such as watching television (he would tip his head back), sitting on the bench at the kitchen table, and walking around the house. Throughout the following day, Ryan's eye continued to improve. He was very happy and kept saying, "Look, my eye open now!" Ryan does not like the taste of the antibiotic so I have been mixing it with chocolate sauce, which he seems to enjoy!

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