Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Vacation Bible School

Matthew attended vacation Bible School and the theme was Super Heros. It was all morning, Monday thru Friday. I was nervous for Matthew since I didn't think that he was going to know any of the other children, but just like his Daddy that didn't bother him at all and he made friends quickly. Matthew participated in service projects such as: writing letters to oversea soliders, collecting money for people with leprosy, a car wash to raise money to buy school supplies for the back pack program. Matthew learned a lot of new songs and enjoyed practicing them in the car with the cd that they church provided us with. On Friday evening they held a closing rally, where the children sang songs, and the church provided hot dogs and ice cream. All three boys had a great time singing and dancing. Even a few times, Ryan got up on the stage when Matthew was singing and started to dance. Overall it was a wonderful experience for Matthew!

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